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The Social Director

A listing of multiple-genre gig listings for local bands as well as special events, fundraisers, openings, etc. All that is Memphis Music, focused on the original artists....

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Location: Memphis, Tennessee, United States

Not much to tell. I'm always going with this project or gig or that project or gig. But when I'm ready for a break, I "hermit" in the woods with books, PS2 games, cds and movies.

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Quiz Time

Teeny tiny quiz for those of you whom need to kill time…….
Copy and paste body into a new bulletin, answer survey with your answers, type in subject line and post bulletin.


1) Coffee or Tea? = Neither. I like hot fruit-flavored tea, especially wild berry zinger, or peppermint tea but detest iced tea. I also will only drink coffee once in a long while with lots of cream…

2) What book is on your nightstand? C.S. Lewis: Pilgrim’s Regress; Russell Resnick: The Root and the Branches – Jewish Identity in the Messiah; The Complete Jewish Bible and John Grisham: The Broker; Design Toscano Magazine; a Soduko puzzle book and Architectural Digest – March issue…….. (yeah; I read a lot.)

3) Website visited most often (besides My Space): Yahoo

4) Ever danced with a complete stranger? But of course!!!

5) Sang karaoke drunk? Uh, NO and I will NEVER sing Karaoke!!! It’s like an ancient Chinese torture to me!! I can’t stand karaoke!! My ex, Jason, thought himself the karaoke king, however!! He’s from Lincoln, Nebraska via Jacksonville, Florida and apparently, that’s what they do there. That and cocaine. Yeah. He loved that, too. Karaoke = Ugh……….shudder……..cringe………gritted teeth!

6) If you had one day to live and a million dollars to use - what would you do? Hook up my family, friends and a few specific charities, my former highschool and church and the baby girl I sponsor and then take a particular guy out for the night of his life……….

7) Have you met anyone off of My Space in person? Oh yea, tons! In fact, it’s kinda broken the ice in a few cases! By the way, who ISN”T on My Space???? And why not???

8) Last thing you do before you go to bed at night? =) Say my prayers.

9) Final random comment: I wrote a haiku for my friend Matthew but I can’t share it here. Let’s just say his favorite quote, and I have NO IDEA where he could possibly have picked this up, is “I hate people”…….. I just don’t know who could possibly has influenced him in such a way!! (blink, blink, blink, innocent look on face) Seriously, I think he just means that he hates the evil, cruel ways of people and not the people themselves………maybe……..I’m just guessing that’s how it’s meant………um, ok. Yeah. That must be it. People’s evil ways. Yeah. So. Yeah.

10.) Do you save the boxes when you buy shoes? sometimes, if I need a box. I did have to use one once to so we could burn Jason’s poor bird who just up and died on us last Valentine’s Day! Kinda put a damper on our celebration, but not for too long.

11.) What do you use them for? Stash box; photos; art supplies; hiding mass quantities of cash, to bury deceased pets, wrap gifts in them….all kinds of things.

12.) Have you ever drank so much you threw up? umm, yeah. Unfortunately. It’s been a while. There have been times I WISHED I could have thrown up. One such time was about the middle of January. Never did throw up but I did waste time in the restroom trying to ride out the “spins”.

13.) What is your word for the day? threnody or doxology (Can you guess what they mean? They are somewhat related.....; musical terms, too!) =)

14.)Have you had chicken pox? Yup

15. )Describe what you think bologna is made of: Nasty, nasty, nasty, vile, disgusting stuff…..I hate bologna.

16.) What is your most cherished material possession? I don’t know that I really have a cherished material possession. I’m not very materialistic. I would say photos but no one can ever take my memories from me so if I didn’t have photos, it would not change anything. I have a couple of things that were my grandmother’s and a couple of things that were my ex-husbands that I cherish. I do like my cds......

17.) What is your favorite magazine? Architectural Digest or Spin/Rolling Stone

18.)How many slices of pizza can you eat? I don’t know. Ugh. 3 thin crust slices. I love Uno’s Spinoccoli pizza and can eat a whole one and I like California Pizza Kitchen’s grilled veggie pizza. 4 slices of those!

19.)What is your favorite grocery store? Simon David in Dallas; Schnuck’s in Memphis; The Farmers Market in Dallas; Easy Way Produce in Memphis.

20.) Where do you like to buy clothes? From Emeralds to Coconuts in Dallas; Goldsmith’s in Memphis.

21.) If you saw someone you knew was married at a restaurant with someone other than their spouse, what would you do? NADA…..It might be a work or committee meeting. Never assume. Mind your own business.

22.) If you could have dinner with anyone (alive or dead) who would it be? My grandmothers, Jesus, John the Baptist, Muhammad, Benezir Bhuto, Ghandi, Mother Teresa, Plato, Socrates, C. S. Lewis, Viktor Frankl, my old “sugar daddy” Stan, my granddaddy, Jackie Gleason, Bob Hope, Lucille Ball, and uh….. Richard Lewis for all the laughter and wisdom they would provide (Assuming there wouldn't be any language barriers); and then Johnny Depp, Tom Wellig, Michael Wincott, George Clooney and Gary Oldman for ME………just cuz they’re hot. AND, my ex-husband (Ronnie, so I could tell him I never held it against him that he was gay) and Chuck Salisbury (to ask him "why", "why did you take your own life? what was so bad about your life?"....... and to let him know I did care.)

23.) Where is the coldest place you have ever been? Canada

24. Where is the hottest place you have ever been? Houston, Texas (not even Miami is hotter; Houston is HUMID!!)

25.) Where is the most expensive restaurant you have ever had dinner? The Mansion on Turtle Creek tied with Sipango and Star Canyon in Dallas. I don’t remember which one had the priciest tab but they are all 5 star and were all over $200 for two people.

26.) What is your favorite fast-food restaurant? all are gross in their own way.. I hate French fries now. I’m gonna go with Pancho’s Taco in Memphis or Keller’s Drive-in or Miami Subs in Dallas cuz they have gyros and other really good stuff.

27.) Random quote: "Blueberries are our friends." - Mark; "I hate people." - Matt

28.) What do you think about Michael Jackson? Ok. Pavlovian theory at work here. I detest Michael Jackson. Everything about him and what he represents. But, more so, there is a memory that is conjured up every time I hear his music. Basically, it’s a traumatic event that happened to me at age 19 and Michael Jackson was playing in the background cuz one of the people (the main perpetrator) was a Michael Jackson fan. So every time I hear MJ, I am reminded of that horrible event over and over again. I know it’s probably not fair to MJ but everything associated with him, for me, is not good. As for MJ, the individual, I seriously think he has some major issues and I feel sad that he has not had people around him who care enough about him to be honest with him and set him straight on the path to major therapy. I think he is suffering. He needs to be put out of his misery. =)

29.) What do you think about George W. Bush? hmm.. uhhh.. He’s a politician. I really don’t like ANY of the leaders we have had in the past couple of decades. I did not like Clinton (he’s a liar, bottom line, who cares about the technicalities and semantics; he flat-out lied.) and I do not like Bush. I do not like Gore, even if he is from Tennessee and I do not like Cheney. There!

30.) Do you think aliens really exist? Yeah, I was married to one once but he’s a citizen now.

31.) What are brussel sprouts? Well, it’s actually “Brussels Sprouts” and they are yummy the way I make them. Balsamic Vinegar, olive oil and bacon….

32.) Do you wrap presents or put them in gift bags? ha.. little of both. I was a gift-wrap person at Goldsmith’s once a long time ago. It paid my way to the Bahamas.

33.) Have you ever run from the police when they tried to stop your car? No, but because I work at The Med, if I get pulled over, I just slide my work ID in their hand along with my drivers license before they have a chance to write up a ticket. Works every time….they always let me go.

34.) What is your favorite animal to see at the zoo? ALL of them but especially the big cats.

35.) What is your favorite nickname from other people? Ace, Angelina, Beotch (but only from Matt), Koseh (from Ali; I can NOT tell you what it means; it’s private!)


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