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The Social Director

A listing of multiple-genre gig listings for local bands as well as special events, fundraisers, openings, etc. All that is Memphis Music, focused on the original artists....

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Location: Memphis, Tennessee, United States

Not much to tell. I'm always going with this project or gig or that project or gig. But when I'm ready for a break, I "hermit" in the woods with books, PS2 games, cds and movies.

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Ross Rice: The Best Quote I've Read Today!

Humans are messy, conflicted, sometimes even self-contradictory beings, capable of great evil as well as goodness. ~ Ross Rice

Ross is a friend I've known and worked with in the music business for several years. He moved to Upstate New York last year so I don't have the pleasure of talking to him in person as often any more. He is very interesting and has a unique perspective on life. Check him out!

Here's his blog; he has an interesting article on Aliens and People in general.

Here's his profile on My Space.

His next gig in Memphis will be:

March 11th
The Blue Monkey
10 p.m.
with his former band Human Radio


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