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The Social Director

A listing of multiple-genre gig listings for local bands as well as special events, fundraisers, openings, etc. All that is Memphis Music, focused on the original artists....

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Location: Memphis, Tennessee, United States

Not much to tell. I'm always going with this project or gig or that project or gig. But when I'm ready for a break, I "hermit" in the woods with books, PS2 games, cds and movies.

Monday, February 27, 2006

Two Haiku: Spring and Pumpkin

Rain, gray and steady;
Worms, oozing up from the mud.
Birds, singing, happy.

(*Saturday morning, I woke up at dawn; the sky was gray and a soft rain was falling. I slept with my balcony door open during the night. The birds were singing their little beaks off. I felt an inspiration to write this haiku. It is the first one I've ever written. This is the first time in years that I have been inspired to write anything remotely resembling poetry. Maybe it was Bob Marley's tune "Three Little Birds" that I had listened to Friday night that provided additional inspiration?!! At any rate, the birds were singing quite a bit Saturday morning!)

Soft, Orange, tabby.
Purring, kneading, cuddling.
Kitty, contented.

(*I was "cat-sitting" my friend Matt's kitten, Pumpkin, while he went snow-boarding in Zurich. She is an orange, female tabby. They are rare. Most orange tabby cats are male. At any rate, she was so lovable and well-behaved all week long. I miss her already. I gave her back last night. The previous time I babysat her, she was a wild thing and tore up everything. This time, she was sweet, cuddly and lovable. This was written for her on Saturday morning also.)


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