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The Social Director

A listing of multiple-genre gig listings for local bands as well as special events, fundraisers, openings, etc. All that is Memphis Music, focused on the original artists....

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Location: Memphis, Tennessee, United States

Not much to tell. I'm always going with this project or gig or that project or gig. But when I'm ready for a break, I "hermit" in the woods with books, PS2 games, cds and movies.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

And the Survey says! Silly questions.....

**This is a repost from a circulating My Space bulletin and these are my answers. Thanks Glam Margera! See, Sunny, I posted a survey!**

1.)When showering, do you start the water and then get in or get in and start the water?
Get in, turn on the water and adjust the temp via the faucet, then turn on my shower massage sprayer….. (*What an ODD question; who really cares???*)

2.) Do you read the labels on your shampoo bottle?
Sometimes, just to have something to read. I read everything. Any and all labels.

3.) Do you moan in the shower like the people on the Herbal Essence commercial?
Oh yeah, I'm a screamer. Yeah right. Washing your hair isn't THAT thrilling!

4.) Have you ever showered with someone of the opposite sex?

5.) Have you almost drowned in your bathtub?

6.) Have you ever brushed your teeth in the shower?
Maybe a couple of times when camping or something, when there aren’t mirrors and sinks aplenty ….but not usually. And yes, I’ve used a green stick, salt and baking soda before too when primitive camping.

7.) Have you ever dropped your soap on your foot?
Yes, who hasn’t. But now I use body wash. (*REALLY! Who made up these questions???)

8.) How old do you look?
I do still get carded all the time so maybe I don't look like I'm really my age. Who knows? I’ve been told all the time that I don’t look my age and since I tend to attract/date guys 10-16 years younger, I’m guessing I DON’T look my age.

9.) How old do you act?
Definitely not my age; sometimes it depends on the day of the week.

10.) What's the last song you sang?
Bob Marley – Jammin’ (this morning; I’m listening to some OLD Bob Marley and the Wailers right now……)

11.) have u recently become a member of anything?
Yes, sorta…. I’m involved in the Memphis Musician’s Healthcare Initiative and I became a “member” of another committee geared toward setting up fund-raising initiatives for Memphis’ Music Cares and the Memphis Plan musician’s healthcare.

As far as clubs, I became a private club member to a couple of Jonesboro nightclubs but that’s no big deal. And I became a member of B’rit Hadasha’s Monday night Bible Study and a member of a Christian Anarchist group locally. What can I say? I’m a MEMBER. I’m a join-in kinda grrrrrl!!

12.) What are your plans for the weekend?
I am going to Bonne Terre (a local Bed and Breakfast) for a retreat this weekend (Saturday) and I have no clue after that….probably to see my friend Blake play Sunday night at his regular gig…….. It’s become my usual Sunday night spot.

14.) Have you ever ridden a mechanical bull?
Actually YES and I was good at it too!! It’s all in the thighs!! Hahahaha! (*shut up!*)

I grew up riding horses and back when the urban cowboy phase was “the thing”, I happened to live in Houston and Dallas so I have ridden the bull at Gilley’s and at Billy Bob’s Texas. I guess I’m a cowgirl at heart. I do love cowboys!! Especially long-haired cowboys.

15.) Do you ever intentionally vomit after eating?
Ugh, NO! WHY????? That’s stupid. I try NOT to vomit ever….and rarely do although I may feel like it sometimes. Cast-iron tummy!

16.) If you were working on a pirate ship, what would you most likely be?
Captain or Captain’s wench

17.) Have you ever called anyone a slut?
Yes (unfortunately)

18) Have you ever been called a slut?
Yes (although I know they were just teasing.)

19). Have you ever smuggled something into America?
Uh, yes and I plead the 5th amendment. Let’s say there is something to be said of offshore banking on occasion, especially in British Commonwealths and the Caribbean. Nuff said. It was a looooooooooooooooooong time ago.

20). Does playing the guitar make a girl/guy more attractive?
Well, uh, not necessarily but it certainly doesn’t hurt! And it’s NOT just a guitar but a banjo, a bass, drums, saxophone, keyboards, harmonica or any musical instrument.

21). Do you live in a city with a good sports team?
Uh, I did when I lived in DALLAS!!!!! Heheheh…..uh, I love polo and hockey so….uh, Did I mention that I like Cowboys????????? As for Memphis, well, I do love me some hot Redbirds baseball players……but I don’t care for any of our other teams (I know, I know, go ahead and shoot me. I don’t care!)…..

22). Have you ever finished off the popcorn?
No, hardly ever…..

23). How many people would come to your funeral?
No idea. Probably no one. I told my mom to just toss me in the fireplace and be done with it. Maybe I’ll just poof, disappear one day in the blink of an eye!!!!

24). How many of them would come just to make sure you're dead?
No telling. Probably everyone I know. What a strange question!

25). Do you have more enemies or more friends?
ME? Friends, Most definitely. I don’t have any enemies that I’m aware of…..

26.) Have you ever sent an anonymous letter?

27.) Can you fix ur own car?
Somethings. But I prefer to have hot young guys work on it. I can change my oil, change my tires, change my spark plugs, fill the radiator, change air/gas filters, stuff like that….

28.) Have you ever turned someone down when they asked you out?

29.) Are you smarter than your friends?
I’m not judgmental like that. I have some brilliantly intelligent friends who don’t have a lot of common sense and I have some friends who are less than stellar in book sense but are very wise.

30.) Have you ever stolen anything from your friends?

31.) Have you ever been to jail?

32.) Should you have?
Everything happens for a reason. And while there were other circumstances involved, yes, technically I should have….

33.) Do you like the taste of beer?
Me? Like the taste of beer? Noooooo!
[**sarcasm** Yes, I do. I usually prefer imports but will drink any kind of beer if it’s cold. My favorite is Chimay from Belgium or Mamba from South Africa.]

34.) Have you ever died or killed someone in a dream?
Yes, died... never killed anyone.

35.) Have you ever given to charity?
Yes, and I’m on the board of directors for a charity organization (Girls Incorporated). And, since childhood, I have been involved in fund-raising for St Jude. I also support the Memphis Oral School for the Deaf.

36.) Would you kill a dog for $10,000?
No. I don’t like violence or killing and especially animals. I’m a pacifist. Although, in the case of Saddam, he should have been killed a long time ago. That’s all I have to say about that.

37) Do you sometimes get depressed?
Yes but it’s been a while…… and although I have Depressive Reactive Disorder, I have managed it quite well for over 10 years without meds; the BEST thing that has helped is having my balcony to sit on at sunset every day and time to reflect and pray/meditate daily and simply being aware of my perspective about things and changing it when it creeps into old, negative ways. Everyone gets depressed but most people bounce back quickly.

38.) Do you have plans for your future?
Lots. Hey, I’m type A. Of course I have plans!


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